
San Francisco Federal Credit Union has a robust Member Information Security program that ensures adequate security is built into our platforms, which include the latest cutting-edge technology, 内部流程和员工人力. We take extensive measures to protect your personal information, and are constantly monitoring accounts for fraud and identity theft. We ensure ongoing compliance to industry required security frameworks to verify that our internal procedural operations have security built into them.

If you believe you have been a victim of fraud please call us immediately 415-775-5377.


San Francisco Federal Credit Union strives to serve your needs and to protect your identity and any information we collect about you.


  • covers your interaction with San Francisco Federal Credit Union, 其附属公司, and companies engaged by San Francisco Federal Credit Union and 其附属公司 to render online services when you visit any mobile or online site or application that we own, 包括, 但不限于, 十大彩票游戏平台的网站, SanFranciscoFCU.com,以及十大彩票游戏平台的移动应用程序(“网站”);
  • describes the categories of personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”) that we may collect about you when you visit our Site;
  • describes the categories of other persons or entities with whom we may share your Personal Information;
  • discloses whether other parties may collect Personal Information about your online activities over time and across different websites when you use our Site;
  • describes the way you can review and request changes to any of your Personal Information that we collect;
  • 描述十大彩票游戏平台将如何通知您十大彩票游戏平台的隐私政策的重要变更;
  • 披露十大彩票游戏平台如何响应网络浏览器的“不跟踪”信号或其他选择退出机制;
  • discloses if we engage in the collection of your Personal Information about your online activities over time and across different websites;
  • describes how we safeguard children’s privacy;
  • describes the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation; and
  • makes clear that no action on your part is needed.


We may collect Personal Information when you enter data into an application for new products or services or when you use our products and services. Personal Information may include your name, 成员数量, 家庭或其他物理地址, 社会安全号码, 电话号码, 和电子邮件地址. 当您只是浏览十大彩票游戏平台的网站时,十大彩票游戏平台不会收集您的个人信息. However, our Site may collect non-Personal Information such as your IP address and device identifier.

We take your online privacy seriously and make the safeguarding of your Personal Information a priority. We collect Personal Information only as allowed by law. Use of the internet makes it possible for other parties to collect data about your online activities over time and across different websites, 包括当您使用十大彩票游戏平台的网站时. Please scroll down to learn more about Mobile and Online Security.

With Whom Do We Share the Information We Collect?

十大彩票游戏平台不会与附属公司共享您的个人信息 消费者私隐政策. 十大彩票游戏平台不会出售您的个人信息. 十大彩票游戏平台可能会使用或分享您的非个人信息,以改善您在十大彩票游戏平台网站上的体验, to help deliver our ads on your web browser, and to measure advertising campaign effectiveness.


十大彩票游戏平台有关于你的准确和最新的信息是很重要的. If you notice that your information is incomplete, inaccurate, or out of date, please contact us at 1-415-775-5377 或者访问分支机构. 您也可以查看和请求更改某些个人信息,如您的电子邮件地址, 邮寄地址, 和电话号码.


We may change our policy from time to time. 当十大彩票游戏平台这样做的时候, we will let you know by appropriate means such as by posting the revised policy on this page with a new “Last Updated” date. 除非另有说明,十大彩票游戏平台政策的任何变更将在发布后生效. 2018年5月25日,欧盟的新隐私法规(即GDPR)生效. 这些规定旨在保护欧盟国家居民的隐私权. 十大彩票游戏平台遵守适用的GDPR.


Our Site is designed for optimal viewing with cookies enabled (cookies are small text files that collect internet traffic data). For example, cookies store your preferences for when you visit our Site. If your web browser settings allow cookies, our Site will utilize them. You may disable or remove cookies by accessing your web browser settings. 十大彩票游戏平台的网站在没有cookies的情况下仍能正常运行,但某些功能可能无法正常工作. Please note that due to a lack of consistent standards across browsers, our Site may not respond to “do not track” browser settings. We do not monitor your online activities after you leave our Site.

We only use your Personal Information for certain purposes allowed by law (see Section 3 and refer to our 消费者私隐政策),这是你无法限制的. 另外, you cannot opt out of our sharing non-Personal Information such as your IP address and device identifier.

You may, however, be able to opt out of certain advertisements. 了解有关特定广告网络的更多信息(包括如何选择退出), 点击行业集团网络符号或广告上的链接.


We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from individuals under the age of 13 who use our Site without obtaining consent from a parent or legal guardian.

要了解更多关于儿童在线隐私保护法(COPPA)的信息,请访问 National Credit Union Administration Regulatory Alert or the 联邦贸易委员会.

Do You Need to Take Any Action at This Time?

No, you do not need to take any action regarding any of the above.

查看以下可用的工具和信息,以帮助您识别欺诈活动, 以及发生这种情况时应该采取的措施.

  • 旅游的通知
  • 身份盗窃
    采取措施防止 & 处理身份盗窃.
  • 隐私政策
    Learn how we protect your personal information

网络钓鱼是一种试图欺骗消费者提供个人信息的骗局. A communication claiming a need to verify personal information is sent, often directing consumers to a fake website to verify personal details or prove eligibility for a non-existent prize. These fake websites and email messages can look legitimate, 使用实际金融或政府机构的标志和其他元素.


  • 试图通过垃圾邮件和电子邮件欺骗获取机密信息.
  • Usually contain an E-mail with a fake logo and an urgent call to action.
  • San Francisco FCU will never send you an e-mail asking you to verify or send personal information in reply.


  • 企图通过恶意或假冒的克隆网站获取机密信息.
  • Usually comes in the form of a Website requesting sensitive data.
  • San Francisco FCU will never send you an e-mail asking you to verify or send personal information in reply or via a website.


  • 企图通过电话冒充获取机密信息. 这些电话或短信通常指示消费者紧急拨打某个电话号码.
  • Consumers who fall victim to these call the number and furnish sensitive information to a person they believe is trusted.
  • Security attacks that include text messages are especially important, 因为消费者经常被诱骗点击链接,从而下载特洛伊木马, virus or other malware onto their cellular phone or other mobile device.


  • The attempt to use Psychological manipulation of people into giving confidential information for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, 或者系统访问. 也被称为人类黑客.
  • Social engineering has many attack vectors 包括 email, phone, 面对面的谈话, 社交网络, 甚至是蜗牛邮件或传真.


  • 经济利益: 原因显而易见.
  • 政治利益: 想想网络战和恐怖主义. 例如, 你可能听说过来自中国或俄罗斯的所谓国家支持的攻击. 或者那些为支持ISIS而组建并发动攻击的黑客组织.
  • 个人恩怨: This can include revenge, disgruntled employees and insider attacks. 然而,这也可能是心怀不满的成员或有相同动机的非成员.
  • 恶意或好奇: The classic stereotype of hackers depicted in TV and film. While some may want to prove their SE expertise, some could be amateurs who are curious to test what they are capable of.


  • Never give out bank account or credit card numbers over the phone if you didn’t initiate the call to a reputable, 已知的业务. Scam artists constantly try fresh stories to trick consumers into giving out their private personal and financial information.
  • Do not reply to the unsolicited e-mail or respond by clicking on a link within the unsolicited e-mail message. 在打开任何附件之前,确保你知道电子邮件来自谁或在哪里.
  • 如输入个人资料, 要小心,并确保只在已知合法和安全的网站上这样做. Always look for a “locked padlock” in the browser or “http” at the beginning of the Web site’s URL address for proof of security.
  • 检查你的账户, 查看报表, 每个月检查几次所有的交易,以防任何未经授权的收费.
  • Regularly update anti-virus software and system security patches.
  • 尽量远离“免费优惠”,,尤其是那些要求你提供私人信息、银行账户或信用卡号的邮件. Keep in mind that such great offers tend to cover up the real purpose of just persuading you to give up your financial information.

For more information about Phishing scams, please visit these sites:

We have integrated Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) into 网上银行 that uses multiple layers of security and verification to confirm Member identity.


  • 加密和密码保护. 当您登录网上银行时, we secure the connection using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) technology to encrypt all the information transported on the network. This ensures secure information transfer between you and San Francisco FCU.
  • 扩展验证证书(EV). The EV certificate establishes and clearly displays the website’s owner. This lets you know that you’re at a valid San Francisco FCU website, 而且不是一个看起来像骗子的人.


  • 始终保持您的密码的隐私和安全
  • Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts or different sites
  • Ensure your password is unique, long and strong. 创建容易记住,但其他人很难猜到的密码.
  • 使用大写和小写字母,并包括一个特殊字符(!, &, #, %等)
  • 不要使用家庭成员或宠物的名字
  • Don’t use phone numbers, 社会安全号码s or birthdates
  • Don’t use your account number within the password
  • 更新密码. 请定期修改密码. 这有助于在有人获取您的用户ID和密码时确保您的帐户安全.
  • 使用并定期更新防火墙, 反间谍软件, and anti-virus software to protect your computer against viruses.
  • Ensure your browsers are up-to-date with latest versions.
  • 定期删除浏览器缓存和历史记录,或者选择禁用web缓存.
  • 设置警报在您的网上银行帐户通知您的任何可疑活动.
  • Never share your device, especially with someone you do not know
  • Never store your 密码 in un-secure apps
  • 当你不使用手机应用程序时,一定要注销它
  • 如果您丢失了移动设备, be sure to change your San Francisco FCU password as soon as possible
  • Only install applications from Google Play or the Apple App Store, and only select applications from trusted sources.
  • Be sure you regularly update your device operating system as well as check the App Store for updates to your installed apps.
  • 将您的Visa借记卡或信用卡添加到使用令牌化的移动支付应用程序中,例如Apple Pay®, Android Pay™或Samsung Pay™. 每次您使用移动支付应用程序而不是使用实体卡付款, you help to shield your card number from fraud.
  • 避免使用外形不寻常的自动取款机
  • 使用自动柜员机时,站在柜员机正前方,输入密码时遮住手
  • 如果你注意到卡槽, pin pad, or any part of the ATM seems have been tampered with or altered, 不用自动取款机
  • Notify San Francisco FCU if your card has been captured and not returned – enter the branch or call our Service Center at 415.775.5377


For lost/stolen cards please see below for phone numbers:

SFCU Visa信用卡SFFCU信用卡
营业时间415.775.5377 415.775.5377
营业时间以外415.775.5377 -方案5或 800.682.6075 415.775.5377 -选项6或 888.241.2510
在美国以外.S.206.352.4950 (收集)909.941.1398 (收集)

According to the 联邦贸易委员会’s Web site, 身份盗窃被定义为“窃取你的好名字进行欺诈的行为”.“当有人使用你的姓名等个人信息时,就会发生身份盗窃, 社会安全号码, credit card number or other identifying information, without your permission to commit fraud or other crimes.

Take the time to review the below points to avoid becoming a victim:

  • 保护您的个人信息
  • Check your financial statements for any unauthorized charges
  • Review your credit report at least once a year
  • 将包含个人信息的文件撕碎后再扔掉
  • 注册“无纸化声明”——尽量不要把邮件留在你的邮箱里
  • 保护你的电子设备,使用安全的网站,设置难以猜到的密码
  • Only carry the credit cards and documents that you really need, 尽量不要携带密码, 密码, Passport or Social Security card in your wallet or purse.
  • Keep personal and sensitive information (bank statements, 网上银行账户登录, debit card PIN numbers or paper checks) away from where others, 包括你的家人, friends, 邻居们也能看到.
  • 及时取回你的邮件.
  • Do not respond to emails requesting personal information. San Francisco FCU will never send you an e-mail asking you to verify or send personal information in reply.
  • 在处理电脑或移动设备之前,请确保删除任何个人信息
  • 一定要问雇主, 债权人和企业将如何使用和保护你的个人信息
  • 总是取消 & 销毁旧的/未使用的信用卡


  • 向警方报案. 获得一份报告的副本,提交给你的债权人和其他可能需要犯罪证据的人.
  • 联系下面列出的三个主要信用报告机构的欺诈部门. Request that they place a “fraud alert” on your file and that no new credit be granted without your approval.
  • File your complaint with the 联邦贸易委员会 (FTC). The FTC maintains a database of identity theft cases used by law enforcement agencies for investigations. 投诉链接: http://www.ftc.gov/faq/consumer-protection/submit-consumer-complaint-ftc website
  • Contact San Francisco FCU’s Service Center at 415.775.5377 to close your defrauded accounts and open new accounts.


www.equifax.com website
如欲订购报告,请致电: 800-685-1111
举报诈骗,请致电: 800-525-6285
TDD 800-255-0056
P.O. 740241箱

www.益百利.com website
如欲订购报告,请致电: 益百利 (888 - 397 - 3742)
举报诈骗,请致电: 888 -益百利(397 - 3742)
TDD 800-972-0322
P.O. 9532箱
Allen TX 75013

www.transunion.com website
如欲订购报告,请致电: 800-888-4213
举报诈骗,请致电: 800-680-7289
TDD 877-553-7803
P.O. Box 6790

For more information about identity theft visit:

We recommend you request and check your credit report once a year. To obtain a copy of your free credit report, visit the Web site at http://www.AnnualCreditReport.com website or call 877.322.8228.


http://www.equifax.com website

http://www.Experian.com website

http://www.transunion.com website
